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In House Professionals
We work in different network systems.
Thanks to our network of logistical services we find the most relevant solution for even the most unusual cases.
Let it be a container delivery, WAB delivery, special delivery, food delivery, express delivery, standard partial and full-load delivery.
As with logistics service and transportation, we are responsible for the delivery of goods and services, retail and outsourcing.
We have a modernised flee, which enable us, to concentrate on the customers' needs.
Outstanding quality, flexible, innovative, fitted to individual needs.
Throughout the years, turned into professionals
GMP+ Certificate
CMR: Reliability and Security
For us, it is of the utmost importance that we get our client's goods to the intended destination securely and in good condition. The maximum insurance cover per freight transport order is no less than EUR 2,000,000.00.
We work exclusively on the basis of the General German Forwarding Agents' Conditions (Allgemeine Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen/ADSp) in their most recent version.